Members Information

The Union is "U"

NALC belongs to its members and depends on their active participation to thrive. Members enjoy many benefits and many opportunities to serve their fellow carriers and the community through their participation in union affairs and events.  

How to join the union if you aren’t a member yet

To join the union, talk to the local NALC branch steward in your postal station.  They will give you Form 1187 to fill out for NALC membership or put you in touch with the local NALC branch President to get the form.  If you don’t know how to reach a local branch officer or the branch office, contact the NALC National Business Agent for your area, who will give you the NALC branch for your postal station.   

Lubbock Branch 2589, 1101 31st Street, Lubbock, Texas 79411 Phone # 806–744-2589 Fax 806-744-8011