Regular Union Meeting- Branch 2589 - FEBRUARY 20, 2025
The Regular Branch Meeting of NALC Branch 2589, Lubbock, TX, was called to order by President Kevin Perry at 7:06 p.m. The invocation was given by Josh Smith. The membership then said the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll call of officers was taken. All Officers were present except Fernando Small. Members added to the list: Fernando Small, Roy Estrada and Gabe Tarango. The attendance lists of the Executive Board and Steward Meetings for 2/13/2025 were read to the membership. Added to the list: Toni Smith, Fernando Small, Tim Harris and Jeremy Ladd. A motion was made by Tom Hanks that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as put on the Website. Seconded by Mike Links.
New Members
Merina Gauna, Timothy Logsdon, Rachel Madrid, Stephanie Perez.
Committee Reports
Unfinished Business
- Still working on getting info on the roof for insurance claim.
New Business
- Monterrey Station Zone 13 will be counted March 8-14th. Management cannot change the way anything is done this close to route count.
- The contract will be going to Arbitration March 17, 2025. Unsure how long it could take.
For the Good of the Association
- Ryan Raeke, District 3 Board Member, is here to talk about current Legislation.
H.R. 70—Opposing Postal Privatization
H.R, 7629—Protect Your Carriers Act
They want to do away with official Union time as well as the FERS annuity.
Letter Carrier Political Fund (LCPF)-Contributions support politicians on both sides of the aisle as long as they support the USPS.
- Still in need of uniforms for the Union Hall closet.
- We will have a Route Count Training March 2nd at 1 PM.
A motion to pay bills was made by Jeremy Ladd. Seconded by Josh Smith. Motion Passed.
The $15.00 Attendance Drawing
Enoch Lara won the attendance drawing for this month. CONGRATULATIONS “ENOCH”!!!
The meeting was adjourned at 7:44 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
James Petrey
Recording Secretary