Regular Union Meeting- Branch 2589 - JANUARY 16, 2025

            The Regular Branch Meeting of NALC Branch 2589, Lubbock, TX, was called to order by President Kevin Perry at 7:09 p.m. The invocation was given by Tyrone Dubose II. The membership then said the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll call of officers was taken. All Officers were present. Members added to the list:  Steve Lara. The attendance lists of the Executive Board and Steward Meetings for 1/09/2025 were read to the membership. Added to the list: Toni Smith, Juan Baca, Roy Estrada, Jeremy Ladd, Jimmy Wilson and Howard Steffens. A motion was made by Mike Links that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as put on the Website. Seconded by Ismael Zorolla.


            Tom Hanks made Regular.

New Members

            Juan Garcia, Unita Soloman, Jennifer Herrera, Markus Unger, Delshan Martinez

Committee Reports

            Insurance—Everyone did a great job changing over. Any further questions ask Fernando Small.

Unfinished Business

  1. Still need to call on the roof and get insurance started.

New Business

  1. New Budget – No physical printout due to printer out of ink. Fernando Small going over with membership the changes made from the previous year.

Begin 2025-_-$182,334.26.

Income 2025-$117,565.00        

                 Total ——-$299,899.26.


            End 2025——$156,782.26

  1. Motion by Jeremy Ladd to accept budget. Seconded by Tommy Magallanes. Motion passed.
  2. Door being replaced at Singer.
  3. Inspectors are watching. A carrier was caught here in Lubbock stealing out of people’s mail.

For the Good of the Association

  1. Kevin Perry read off the names of the delegates to the State Convention. If you are still going, you need to make a hotel reservation ASAP.
  2. An audit was done and completed for 2024.


A motion to pay bills was made by Tom Hanks. Seconded by Josh Smith. Motion Passed.


The $15.00 Attendance Drawing

Enoch Lara won the attendance drawing for this month. CONGRATULATIONS “ENOCH”!!!

The meeting was adjourned at 7:36 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

James Petrey

Recording Secretary    

Lubbock Branch 2589, 1101 31st Street, Lubbock, Texas 79411 Phone # 806–744-2589 Fax 806-744-8011