Regular Union Meeting- Branch 2589 - October 17, 2024
The Regular Branch Meeting of NALC Branch 2589, Lubbock, TX, was called to order by President Mike Links at 7:07 p.m. The invocation was given by Josh Smith. The membership then said the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll call of officers was taken. All Officers were present. The attendance lists of the Executive Board and Steward Meetings for 11/14/2024 were read to the membership. Added to the list: Josh Smith, Toni Smith, Jimmy Wilson. A motion was made by Danny Brame that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as put on the Website. Seconded by Andy Rodriguez.
New Members
Committee Reports
Insurance—If you are going to change insurance, you must get it done by 12/09. It will stay the same as what you have if you do not pick.
Life Insurance—Look into Life insurance from the MBA. The sooner you start it, the cheaper it is and will not go up every 5 years like Postal Life Insurance.
Unfinished Business
- Tentative Agreement (TA)—Jeremy Ladd talks about what he learned at the meeting he attended. They said the TA will be either mailed out with your ballet or be viewable online. They talked about the problem with uniform prices is that nearly all the companies are owned by one, they just go by different names. NALC is trying to figure out a way we can get the uniforms cheaper.
New Business
- Elections tonight—President:Kevin Perry
Trustees: Mike Links, Juan Baca and Ismael Zorolla
For the Good of the Association
2025-2026 Officers: President—Kevin Perry
Vice President—Danny Brame II
Recording Secretary—James Petrey
Treasurer—Toni Smith
Health Benefits/Financial Secretary—Fernando Small
Sgt at Arms—Tom Hanks
Trustees—Mike Links, Juan Baca, Ismael Zorolla
Editor–None currently
We are in need of uniforms for our closet at the Union Hall.
A motion to pay bills was made by Tyrone Dubose II. Seconded by Tommy Magallanes. Motion Passed.
The $15.00 Attendance Drawing
Lawrence Wilkenson won the attendance drawing for this month. CONGRATULATIONS “Lawrence”!!!
The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
James Petrey
Recording Secretary